Monday, February 6, 2017

Missing my Baby Girl Sancho

Facebook told me today that three years ago today, Sancho joined our family. The original pictures I posted show how bad she was. She had SEVERE MBD when I got her. Her bones were rubber. Her fingers were bent, her spine was curved and hunched. She was so tiny! Her dumb owner was told multiple times to get calcium, get a UVB light, and then to get her to the vet. He "never got around to it."

This overhead shot shows how bad her spine was. If you Google "MBD in reptiles," this picture of Sancho comes up.

Sancho did manage to grow and become stronger. She was never healthy though and in frequent pain. We had multiple toes removed because they were like mini grappling hooks that caught on everything.

I loved this girl.

Aw, baby. I miss her! I made the hard choice in the fall of 2015 to put her and Turbo down. She had gotten to where she couldn't climb or walk well. It became unfair to try to keep her alive.

Sancho & Turbo's ashes are in a beautiful wood box on my mantle next to the ashes of my old man dog, Kip. It's a place of honor for all of them. Sancho will always keep a very sweet spot in my heart.