Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Kreature Sun Bathing

Kreature's cage ended up in my craft room/front room which faces North and gets no sunshine. I've been anxious for him to discover the sunny spots on my living room floor (which faces South), but he never had.

Until today.

Kreature came out for his normal drink of water and to poop (thankfully on the tile this time!). Then he discovered a patch of sun on the kitchen floor and basked in it. Sadly, I kept taking pics of his adorable basking and that irritated him.

He left the kitchen and wandered into the living room.

Ah ha! The sun!

He found it and would NOT leave.

Which would have been fine had it been any other day. But today is Valentine's day and I had signed up to help with a 3rd grade class party. And, of course, he found the sun 8 minutes before I had to leave.

Kreature shifted around so he could get optimal sun on him.

He tried to keep his eyes open as he laid there in the sun, but it was a lost cause. His eyelids got heavier and heavier. Here he is with "Half Eyes."

After a few moments, he was OUT. If I didn't have to leave for the school, I think I might have curled up in the sunny spot on the couch and taken a nap with him.

Instead I went to help keep 3rd graders entertained and left my daughter to make sure that Otis and the other critters didn't get TOO friendly with a sleeping Kreature. He's friendly-- but not during nap time or dinner time.