Friday, February 19, 2016

Mice and Beardies do NOT mix!!!

Let me be blunt-- 

Pinkie mice are TOO high in protein for any age bearded dragon. I know of several local pet stores that recommend you weekly feed beardies a pinkie. Of course they do! At $1.49 or more each, they'd *love* to sell you pinkies (especially when they buy them for less than 50 cents a piece). 

My reptile vet says "NO!!! It will fatten their liver and shorten their life."

This is such a controversial topic on Facebook. I discourage feeding pinkies ever. The rare exception would be a female who has been bred who just laid a clutch of eggs. 

Beardies under a year need 75% protein and 25% greens. Over a year, they need 25% protein and 75% greens. Adults are largely vegetarians and only need insect protein twice a week or less. 

Today on Facebook I saw a picture collage of a small mouse who is "friends" with the bearded dragon who refused to eat it. 


Haven't you seen how rodents eat off the skin of snakes they were left alone with? I will not post any pics here because they are horrifying. Rodents EAT anything-- including beardie fingers, toes, & tails. Don't. No mice. Not as food, not as pets for beardies. No. Never. 

For a great & comprehensive feeding guide, click the "Bearded Dragon Diet" tab above.