Sunday, January 31, 2016

More about Me

Instead of a post about my critters, I've been wanting to do a post about me and what my life is like outside of rescue. These are in no particular order. 

I started off 5 years ago helping a bird rescue, but the feathers were too much for my husband's allergies and I quit. I do have a record of the birds on my wall. I have a feather from almost every bird I fostered. 

I love reading and I love books! My bookshelves are overflowing and I have boxes of books too that are in storage. Can you have too many books? No. 

I love baking bread! I make really really really good bread. I also make freezer jam every summer with local berries or apricots. 

I learned how to make pies (finally) and make my own apple pie filling from the apples from my tree.

Family get-together and holidays mean I'll make bread & pie now. 

Oh and I make good chocolate chip cookies too. 

I LOVE Dr Pepper & Pepsi. I try to break up with them but can't do it long term. ;) I usually trade off between one or the other. Currently, I'm drinking Pepsi. 

I've been married for almost 18 years now. Nate & I have lived in Utah, New Mexico, and Florida. We both got our bachelors degrees a year after we got married and then he went on to get his Master's degree and then his PhD in Education. 

Yes, he is SUPER patient with my critters and is a very very good guy. Plus, he is an excellent judge of character and has an amazing wife! ;) 

I'm a Mormon and have been my whole life. Growing up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has taught me compassion and the need to love others. My religion is the foundation of what I do and who I am. 

I love my shoes! Because I have "difficult" feet, I have to wear good shoes. Thankfully there are good shoes that are fun and colorful! These are Alegria. 

This is me in front of the Napolean Dynamite house. It was flippin' sweet to visit and one of my favorite movies! 

I love blue skies & sunflowers & taking pictures of nature. 

I LOVE the beach!! I spent my teenage years in the Los Angeles area and fell in love with the beach. I drive to Southern California at least once a year for beach therapy. M.U.S.T. have Beach time!! 

I like watching The Biggest Loser, reading Regency novels (think Jane Austen), and thinking of funny things to post on Facebook. Like this:

Oh and 10 years ago I wrote and published a book. But that's a post for another day. I'm in the process of converting it into an eBook and then I'll post links to it. 

There's a little bit about me. :) for now.