Saturday, January 2, 2016

Chameleons Update

Midori is doing great in his new set up. 

I have an extra large Reptibreeze on its way for him. Until then his new plant was too tall and I had to be creative with a crate. 

Verde has NOT been happy. :( The darker a chameleon is, the more stressed they are. She has been almost black for two days. I finally did what I did with Prissy-- I let her out and into my ficus tree. Finally her colors are normal. 

My camera wouldn't take a quick picture and whenever I get close, she stresses out. So this blurry pic is as good as it gets tonight. 

Poor girl. I don't like stressed reptiles and chameleons are SOOOO easy to stress. And then they die. :( I'm trying my best to keep her happy. She may have to be a free roamer like Prissy Pants was.