Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Emergency Rescue

Of course my house is full. There's a tank or two or three in every room. I am full. Really. 

This is why I just rescued 3 more reptiles. I had to. They had been left alone in their cages in a trailer with no one caring for them and food every few days or so. 

I was only going to take the baby beardie, but when I found out that the baby iguana and leopard gecko were being left alone with their lights off (in a trailer in the winter) I couldn't walk away. 

The baby iguana-- 

The baby beardie-- 

The leopard gecko-- 

I immediately threw away the beardie tank that was held together with tape and had a heat rock. 

The leopard gecko was shaking it was so cold. He will be switched to a better tank tomorrow. 

The iguana's cage had to be screwed back together and I need to get some more branches for it. 

So maybe tonight I have "sucker" stamped on my forehead, but at least these 3 will be warm and fed.