Monday, January 25, 2016

Simba at the Vet, part 1

This little guy is making slow progress. He got 4 days of saline injections to rehydrate him along with an anti-coccidia med. I also started him on antibiotic shots and small amounts of baby good sweet potatoes. 

Today I'm taking him back to the vet so we can figure out what's going on. 

We just went to the vet to get his blood drawn so the results be ready for this afternoon's appointment. 

It was nice to see his beard black because he was mad and not because he's sickly. 

On the way home, I let him perch on my shoulder in the sun. He loved that. 

The vet & his staff all know that most of my beardies are carried in. They are usually wrapped in a blankie and tucked into my shirt. If they are really sick, I'll carry them in a box. Otherwise, my shirt is the perfect carrying case. :)