Sunday, January 24, 2016

Raging Hormones

Hormone season almost always follows Brumination season and most my boy beardies woke up with a vengeance!

Oh boy. 

There must be hormones in the air or something because they are all acting crazy. 

Here is Spike the 3rd mating with his blanket. He's been at it for quite some time. 

Here's Ziggy displaying his manly black beard while head bobbing. For who? I have no idea. He can't see another beardie. 

Peanut is trying to claw, scratch, and jump his way out of his tank. 

Tiger & Nubs are just as bad. Smaug goes crazy in his tank hourly. 


Makes me miss the quiet days of Brumination. ;) 

But don't worry-- within a few weeks the hormones will slow down, they'll lose the instinct & urge to mate, and they'll go back to their general slug-like state. 

P.S. Iguana hormones are WAY WAY worse. Trust me.