Sunday, March 12, 2017

Junior, rescue 175 or "How my Rescue can be Relabeled 'In & Out'"

Jinzo died this morning, leaving me with an empty tank for 8 whole hours. Tonight I took in Junior, a baby Savannah monitor with severe MBD.

When I tried to gently pry open Jr's mouth, his bottom jaw folded in half. :O Yes, that is really really horrifying and very very bad. He has no strength or form to any of his bones. Poor little guy.

He's got a weird face shape too and I wonder if there's some amount of genetic problems with him too. His bones are so soft though that he will not recover without the intensive MBD treatment that only my vet can provide-- a calcium injection and a Calcitonin shot to help draw calcium back into his bones.

This guy is in bad shape, but I'm hopeful that I can save him. I've not had a great success rate with savvys before, but I'm willing to give it a try.