Friday, March 24, 2017

An Update on Kreature

Every day, my rescue brother Joe and my rescue sister Beth and I chat on Facebook about everything from movies to animals to what is frustrating to us in life.

Part of today's discussion revolved around Junior (who is having a tough day) and Kreature. I'll just let you read the screen shots.

First one-- when Joe & I posted at the same time.

Second one-- (after I asked Joe to take pics for me)

The GIF I put on was PERFECT! She was making the jealous/stink face that I was making when I read that!

Well, just because Kreature never ever once did that for me doesn't mean he doesn't love me too! ;) So there! :P

You can see why I had no issues sending Kreature back to Joe. They both adore each other. And maybe Kreature never came to sit with me because I never sat down. I am always going and moving. I can't think of a time when he could have sat with me or asked for his jowls to be scratched. Yep, that must be it.

I'm still a bit jealous too.

I might let Joe watch Norman in a few weeks when I'm on Spring Break. I'm guessing that Norman will do well with Joe because he was raised by a man.

P.S.-- more about Junior in the next post.