Friday, October 21, 2016

Otis says "If I fits, I sits!"

Otis is my 4 year old red foot tortoise. I love this boy! He's my most friendly and most fun tortoise. 

Now that it's colder at night, I put him in my tortoise box with Georgie and Baby Foot. All three of them love hiding in boxes and all three of them destroy boxes quickly by scratching, peeing, and pooping in them. 

I had three boxes in their box this week- one for each of them in just the right size. 
Large for Otis, medium for Georgie, and small for Baby Foot. 

This is, of course, why I found Otis in the smallest box and Baby Foot in the biggest box. 

Tonight I found Otis here: 

He was determined to be in that box with Georgie. 

My red foot tortoises are very social and do better with friends. Georgie, a leopard tortoise, endures her two pesky red foot brothers but doesn't care much if they are there or not. 

I will admit that this is one of two areas where I am directly going against my vet's advice. I cohabitate these three even though they are not all the same tortoise species. It is a risk, but these three have been together all year and are okay with each other. 

In case you were curious-- The other area is that I use baby food to feed critically ill reptiles before using Critical Care food from his office and he disagrees with that. :) That's okay. I've saved more beardies through baby food.