Friday, October 21, 2016

Iguana Hormones

Iguana hormones turn iguanas (especially the males) into demons. Iguanas also can smell human hormones and that turns them into demons too. 

Midnight is hormonal currently. He's a terror to my family. This is yesterday's "Love Scratches." 

My teen daughter told me the demon iguana was out to get her, but I honestly thought she was being melodramatic. 

Today I watched him around her. Nope. He's being a demon to her. 

When she sits on the couch, he crawls over to her and chases her off. When she's on the floor, he launches himself at the ottoman to get to her. When she's on the rocking chair, he leaps onto the back. The second she leaves, he crawls back onto his cage under his light. 

Tonight I sat down in one rocking chair and she sat down in the rocking chair next to me. Midnight looked like this: 

He stood on the edge of his cage and stared at her. Because I was here, he didn't jump, but he did stare. Total creeper. 

Dr Folland told me of a couple who raised their iguana from a baby but when the wife got pregnant, the Iggy started to attack her. He would race across the room and launch himself at her face. :( 

When the iguana gets really demon-ish, my rescue brother sends links to websites for cooking iguana. Ay yi yi!! 

PS. Junie isn't normally afflicted with hormones until November and December and has actually been very sweet lately. If we had two hormonal iguanas, I would lose my mind!