Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Nubs is having a Sleepover at the Vet

Nubs has had really runny poop lately. So funny that I can't even get anything to do a fecal test on. I did a fecal test 2 months ago when his poop was more solid (but still runny) and I found 2 coccidia eggs. One of my favorite vet techs checked it too and found 1 pinworm egg. That was not enough to be the cause of his runny poop. 

Sometimes there's even blood in his poop. :( :( 

I took him to the vet today so he could be checked and they could go a fecal. Sweet little Nubs sat there and did nothing. 

My vet is going to take a swab and test him for adenovirus. :( And they'll try to see if he'll give him a poop sample in the morning. 

I'm going to miss my buddy tonight. I sure hope there is nothing serious wrong with him. He certainly has had a tough life between being chomped, being starved to death, kidney failure, and almost dying on me. He's young too-- only about 2 years old. 

I will post more when I get an update.