Thursday, December 8, 2016

Sunny at the Vet

It took 2 weeks, but Sunny, my baby ball python rescue, finally prolapses again. She pooped last night and the end of her intestines came out of her vent. :( 

Dr Folland will gently push her prolapse back in and then put a stitch or two on the sides of her vent to prevent it pushing out again. If that doesn't help, then he will surgically attach the end of the intestines to the inside of her belly.

UPDATE at 9:32 am: 

Dr Folland just called. The best bet for Sunny is to surgically attach the colon back to her abdominal wall since the stay sutures along the vent are not likely to work. The fibers holding her colon inside her body have broken down and don't appear to be reconnecting. 

If the surgery doesn't work, then the only remaining option is euthanasia. 😞