Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Update on Spyro

There was Good News & Bad News from Spyro's vet visit today. 

The good news is that she doesn't have eggs. The bad news is we have no idea why she prolapsed so badly. I am treating her with medicine that will kill off any coccidia or pinworms she may have. Because she has been unable to poop, we couldn't do a fecal test to check for parasites. 

For now, she's back with me and I'll keep her calm and warm. This morning, she was still straining to push though I have no idea why. I'll go back next week and the vet & I will figure out what to do next. Hopefully I can do a fecal test between now and then. 

Here she is tonight. I'm not sure why she appears to be in pain. :( I gave her pain meds. All we can do now is wait & see.