Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Volcano, rescue number 25.2

Volcano came back to me today. He did not play well with his new owner who loved him and tried everything she could to make him happy. He did the same thing at this new house that he did at the house he had before I got him-- hissing, puffing up, running away, and just being mean.

So now it's time for the next intensive level of Volcano rehabilitation. He may be with me for awhile as he learns how to play nice and be friendly. Aggressive beardies are very unusual. I don't think he's aggressive, but I do think he knows how to act so he's left alone.

But his grumpy behavior has no impact on me. He puffs up and I laugh at him. He tries to be fierce and I shake my head and ask if that's all he's got. You see, once you own a diva iguana, "Aggressiveness" takes on a whole new meaning. Volcano is in the little leagues for aggressiveness and we're going to fix that with him.