Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Nubs' Next Hurdle

Nubs is putting on weight-- he's up to 240 grams. He eats great and is enjoying food. I still give him Critical Care formula once a day to help boost his nutrient levels back up. 

Every chance I get, I take him outside in the sun. The Critical Care has enough calcium for him and the direct sunlight helps him metabolize it. It honestly amazes me that he doesn't have more symptoms of Metabolic Bone Disease.

These are outside pictures from Sunday when he loved sitting on my black skirt and soaking in the heat and light.

Today I gave him a bath to see I could get him to poop. Instead he took a nice long drink of water.

Then I took him outside to dry and to warm up.

The white towel wasn't warm enough so I moved him to a soft blanket on the grass. 

He immediately decided he wanted to walk on the grass so I let him.

It's been almost a week since Nubs started eating again and it's about time for him to start pooping. If he doesn't, it could signal some intestinal distress or problem. I don't think  I've ever been so anxious for a beardie to poop! :)

I plan to ask my vet at what point I should be worried and if there is something I can do to help inspire him to go. Until then, we'll do daily baths since most beardies love to go potty in water.