Thursday, June 9, 2016

Adenovirus Adaptations

Here's some of the changes I've made (and will continue to make) since my rescue has gone on lockdown. 

Every beardie has their own broom and dustpan which gets put in the dishwasher to be sanitized after every use. 

All the tanks will get tile instead of paper towels or ReptiCarpet or anything else. 

All 13 beardies are going to be given meds to treat them for Coccidia. 

Most beardies have coccidia and/or pinworms and never show symptoms. With adenovirus positive (ADV+) beardies, coccidia and pinworms can kill the beardie. 

Every beardie I have has 3 things now: a blankie, an emergency hearing pack, and their own dustpan & broom. 

Other rules-- no sharing food. Only touch one beardie at a time. Wash hands all the time. Sanitize tanks with bleach water monthly. 

I'm still trying to figure out what it means to have so many ADV+ beardies. Some moments I think "yeah, I can handle this" and at other times I freak out. 

It's all about the baby steps.