Monday, September 8, 2014

Spike the 2nd, rescue number 55

Spike has a pretty good history, as far as my rescues go. He was bought as a baby from a pet store near here a year ago, but his owners (one of which was a 7 year old) decided they were tired of him. He did have crushed walnut in his tank (never, ever use crushed walnut shell or sand-- read why HERE) and was fed lettuce, spinach, and carrots (not terrible, but not nearly healthy enough-- read about a good diet HERE) and mealworms (not the best source of protein plus they are constipating to babies & juveniles).

All teen beardies go through a "difficult" period where they are grumpy with everyone. Spike learned that being grumpy got him left alone and they've left him alone for quite awhile. When I reached into pick him up, he puffed up huge, put his beard out, turned black, and tried to bite me. He will quickly learn that I don't respond to that behavior and will stop being so grumpy all the time. That's my biggest goal with him now.

I brought him home and put him in my sunny window while I got a tank set up for him. He really enjoyed being out and free. He even let me dress him up quickly before putting him away and feeding him some tasty roaches. This is my latest Etsy shop creation:

Check out my Etsy shop HERE.