Friday, May 9, 2014

Sun time for Tiger

Tiger went outside for the very first time today. At first he was a bit spooked out, but then he buried his head under his blankie and went to sleep. He relaxed on my shirt and soaked up the warm sun. It was awesome to watch his native bearded dragon instincts kick in.

Seriously-- the BEST thing you can do for your beardies and other reptiles is to let them get lots of direct sunshine when it is warm enough. Windows filter out the UVB so it must be directly on them. They love it and it will make them healthier & happier. As summer approaches, please consider getting your beardies an outdoor cage (NEVER a glass tank) but an old bird cage or rat cage that they can sit in and bask. They need a shady area, water, and enough heat. My big boys *LOVE* their summer tanks and they are healthier all year because of it.