Friday, December 9, 2016

Feeding Kreature

Feeding Kreature is an interesting experience! He prefers meat! Tonight was "Fish Friday" for him and I gave him cod and shrimp. He picked out the shrimp before eating the fish.

When he's eating, I keep my fingers far away from his mouth. I've seen those teeth!

To get him out I blow on the food towards his cage so he can smell it. 

Once he comes out, I keep blowing the odors towards him. 

I make him come all the way out before he can eat.

He tries the fish first. Not too bad. 

He tries the shrimp.

He starts picking out the shrimp.

He eats all the shrimp first. 

Then he finishes the fish. I use the tongs to help him with the smaller pieces.

He looks around on the towel for anything he missed.

No more food. He's done. 

Back to sleep.