Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Hospice Again

Frodo was brought to me today to die. 


He's the little beardie I saved last month when he was having seizures. 

He has gout now caused by kidney failure from defective kidneys. There's no treatment and it is quickly getting worse. He's in a lot of pain and not moving. 

I'm taking him in tomorrow for my appointment with Dr Folland (which is why his owners brought him to me). I expect we'll choose to put him down and end his misery. Gout is a very painful condition and a horrible way for a beardie to die. 

Until then, he's all snuggled up in his blankie and staying warm in a sick tank.

Sami & baby Dragon are going in for follow up visits tomorrow. We may end up choosing the same option for Sami who is not doing well, even after the antibiotics. 

Hopefully there will be good news for baby Dragon otherwise it's going to be a very very depressing visit. 

This is the dark side of rescue.