Friday, October 10, 2014

Bugsy, rescue number 62

Bugsy came to me in a strange sort of way. I was trying to find a bigger tank for Fido and I saw an ad online for a juvenile beardie with an 80 gallon tank. That's great, I thought. I'll buy the set up and swap the beardie for a 40. So I got in my car and drove 30 minutes north through rush hour to pick it up.

The second I pulled up to the curb, I knew I was in trouble. It was only a 40 gallon tank. Blast! I did NOT need another 40! But I got out anyways and looked at the beardie. Poor thing had never ever had a UVB in all his 9 months of life. His eyes were goopy and he didn't look good. 

And because I am a sucker :) for beardies, I bought it anyways. Now I had three iguanas and a 7 beardies. Oy bay! 

On the way home, Bugsy pooped and had blood in his stool. Uh oh. 

I got him home and started to clean out his eyes and he started gasping for breath. Double uh oh. 

I had a 40 gallon (that I didn't need) and a juvenile beardie with MBD, an eye infection, a respiratory infection, and blood in his stool. I had a bit of an emotional meltdown. I was tired and hungry and overwhelmed. And I still didn't have a big tank for Fido. 

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Bugsy started antibiotic injections that night but I wasn't sure if he'd make it through the night. He did. I gave him a squirt of calcium in his mouth and put him in the sunshine for two days in a row. 

The first day, he hardly moved at all, but he loved the sunshine

The second day he started to move some

Bugsy went to the vet yesterday and got a clean bill of health. He has two more injections to go and should be completely recovered soon. He has a great UVB light and plenty of chances for sunshine. He eats like a pig and loves to swaddled in a blankie at night. 

So while I wasn't planning on taking this guy on, I'm glad I did. He can live healthy & happy with someone soon. Plus, he's got amazing colors.