Tuesday, July 16, 2013

My First Real Failure in Rescue-- Beardie #10

At the end of June, I bought a rare baby beardie at a local PetSmart. He was a translucent leatherback for $60 instead of over $150 from a breeder. It was my first experience with baby beardies-- and probably my last. 

I brought him home, set up his tank, and tried not to stress over how tiny he was. 

About a week after I got him, he stopped eating. And I started force feeding him. Last night, I was positive that he would die on me. It was a terrible feeling. I've done everything right for him-- lights, misting, heat, food, etc. I've charted his weight, his feedings, his force feedings. Nothing is working. Two days ago, he ate three small crickets. Yesterday, he ate nothing and hardly moved. Last night, I gave him a bath to really  hydrate him. He drank a lot and I think that is why he survived the night.

Today, he looks like this (see picture below). He won't hardly move. He won't open his eyes. He looks ill. He locks his elbows to keep his head up and won't lay down flat. Because I missed my 14 day return window by 4 days, I have to take him back to the store after 2 when the manager is in to override the return. PetSmart is GREAT when it comes to sickly pets. They will continue to force feed him and take him to the vet. They will do all they can to get him healthy again.

This has been the most stressful beardie I have ever owned! I don't think I'll do babies again. I can handle the adult ones that are infected or damaged or handicapped or neglected. I can't do babies. They are too hard and it's too sad to watch them slowly die. :(

Update-- ADDED 7/17/13

I called the pet store this morning to see how the baby's vet visit went and was told to call the vet. The vet's office doesn't actually open much on Wednesday so it took several times to get through. They reported the baby was a no-show. So then I called the pet store and talked to a different employee who said the baby was in the tank with the other babies.


After talking to the manager, the baby was pulled and put in solitary where he can be force fed every hour. There was a colossal communication problem between the vet's office & the pet store. The baby has a 9 am appt tomorrow. We'll see what happens from there.

Final Update-- ADDED 8/14/13

Baby beardie ended up having to be put to sleep two weeks ago. He was too sickly to survive. I think it was some genetic abnormality that was the biggest problem. I'm glad he is out of his misery.