Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Bitsy Stubbs, rescue number 2

I was in the middle of carrying for Nigel's arm when I discovered Bitsy in a cage at the local pet store. His back toes had been eaten off and the open, bloody wounds were coated with sand, poop, and dead food. His eyes were becoming sticky and he had sand stuck to them. His color was poor and he didn't move much. Because I have a good relationship with the pet store owner's wife, they took the beardie out and soaked him (ugh!!) before putting him back into the sand tank.

I made it two hours before I went back to the store (with Nigel on my shoulder) and offered them $20 for him. I took him home and gave him a nice warm betadine soak. The first thing I did was cut off the tendons that were still attached to his feet and collecting junk. Apparently the other beardies in the tank ate his toes but couldn't bite through the tendons. I cleaned off his eyes with saline drops and cleaned off the tip of his tail which had also been eaten off.

For two weeks, I soaked Bitsy, cleaned the sand from his wound (it took three weeks before I got all the sand out), kept his eyes clean, and fed him like crazy. He went from 61 grams to over 90 grams in only a couple of weeks.

His open wounds as I soaked off the sandy scabs

His feet as they started to heal
His head was a weird grayish color when I got him. He later shed and
became a vibrant green-yellow color

Bitsy Stubbs, looking much better
Going for a walk on my shoulder

Finding the highest ground possible!

Bitsy & his new buddy Steve checking out Facebook at his new home