Wednesday, January 4, 2017

At the Vet again- Part 1- Noel

I think to make my blog posts easier, I'm going to do a separate post for all three critters I took to the vet.

Noel did really well at the vet today-- especially when I was holding him. When I wasn't holding him, he only wanted out of his box. But look how much more energy he has!

This is how he was happy:

Dr Folland says Noel has almost no muscle tone and zero body fat. For the next month, I need to keep fattening him up through good food and Critical Care. He did find a solid pea size lump in his belly that we will watch. Until he is stronger, Noel won't handle any medical testing, etc. Once I get him up to his ideal weight (around 147 grams), then we'll figure out what the lump is.

When I got Noel, he was barely 62 grams. Today he was 77 grams! Woot Woot! Dr Folland flushed out his eyes really good to make sure there wasn't sand stuck in them. The whole exam really wore out Noel.

When he was all done being examined, I wrapped him up in a blankie and put him in my shirt. He stayed there all the way home.

I'll start feeding Noel straight Carnivore Critical Care once a day and then add in his greens and roaches. Hopefully he'll get stronger and healthier quickly.