There's a program in the Mormon church where church members are assigned people/families to visit/check in with each month. Men are called "Home Teachers" and women are "Visiting Teachers."
We have a new Home Teacher that we adore! But he comes from a 100% non-pet home. He and his companion teacher came over last night and walked past an open cage with a 20 pound tegu lizard in it, past 6 tanks with 2 pound lizards and a 4 pound snake, and sat in the living room where our two dogs played with each other and our friendly tortoise Otis wandered around. I had to pop up every often to make sure Otis wasn't "visiting" Kreature, the tegu, resulting in a bloody bite. And I was baking cupcakes. And letting the dogs in and out- like 4 times.
You know, just a normal day in our "Zoo." (Seriously, we were just happy that nothing was "mating" with something else- that is a successful visit in our book.)
Our friend sat in the rocking chair with a look of amused bewilderment on his face. Poor petless guy.
;) It was cute and amusing to watch. Our other friend has dogs so it doesn't seem to phase him.