Saturday, November 28, 2015

Noel, a beautiful red iguana --or-- Why I should NEVER go into Pet Stores

I needed crickets and I wanted to follow up on some baby bearded dragons I had seen in the store 3 weeks before that appeared to have yellow fungus. 

Bad news. It was yellow fungus (YF). They are being treated for YF still with no improvement. YF is always fatal and it's only a matter of time before they are put down. :( 

And the two incredible red iguanas they had was still there. 

I really shouldn't go into pet stores. 

And I shouldn't look at the beautiful iguanas. 

And I shouldn't tell the manager that I adore the beautiful red ones are. 

And I shouldn't ask to hold one. 

And I shouldn't listen to the managers tell me the Iggy is the calmest one they have. 

And I shouldn't listen when they tell me the Iggy is 50% off. 

And I shouldn't stand there as the baby Iggy gives me kisses and is super calm. 


He will end up coming home with me. And I will call him "Noel" because he's red and green and it's Christmas time. He slept in my hoodie the whole way home and is sleeping on me right now. 

I think I need an intervention! ;) 

Oh and I did actually leave with crickets too. And the first Iggy I asked to hold actually was sick as I thought. Poor baby had a massive mouth infection and was badly malnourished. He's headed to the vet on Monday. No one had noticed so hopefully I helped save his life.