When I got home, I put her in the sunshine in an open window so she could warm up and get some UVB. I sat at the table and did my homework. After about two hours, I noticed she had moved to a small shady spot so I decided to put her in the living room window where there is more shade. The second I picked her up, I could tell something was wrong. Her entire belly was bloated. It felt like someone had blown up a balloon.
I got on the phone right away with my vet's office and took her over there. As I drove her breathing became more strained and her beard turned black. Her eyes started to appear sunk-in-- all signs of dying. The vet was able to drain a lot of blood & stinky fluid from her belly which surprised all of us. Because her history is so unknown and her health has been so poor, it was pretty easy to choose to put her out of her misery quickly through euthanasia. :(
Minnie and her siblings were underfed as babies and they ate each other to survive. She and her brother were abandoned in a house in Salt Lake. She has had a crappy life from the beginning due to lazy and negligent owners. At least in the end, she was loved and cared for. I held her in her blankie every night and let her bask in sunny windows.
And she also got to be the Easter beardie too. :)