Monday, March 9, 2015

Turbo's Surgery was Successful

(NOTE: Guess what? Turbo is actually a boy. He's about half the size he should be and looks more like a female. But he's a boy. Just to clarify the difference between this post & the last one on him)

Turbo went to see my awesome vet today. His surgery was a two part procedure. 

The first step was removing the large blood clot on the back of his head. Until the vet stopped a vessel from bleeding they had to bind his head tightly. As long as I held him and rocked him, he stayed calm and didn't try to scratch at his face. 

The second step was to sedate him and find out what was going on in his eye. 

It turns out that Turbo had a massive hematoma (blood clot) that started in his eyeball and spread into his face. Sadly, the eye was dead and had to be removed. 

He will have a week with external stitches and internal gauze in his incision along with antibiotic shots. 

In a week, we'll remove the gauze. In a few weeks, we'll surgically remove some of the dead skin and extra tissue on the back of his head. 

We expect him to have a full & complete recovery. 

Good news!