Here's most of my reptile zoo (minus the 3 ball pythons who didn't want to leave their hides to have their pictures taken; I have Lucy, Sunny, & Bones). Also, Gumby, the MBD leopard gecko didn't want to come out either.
First the Torts. I only have FOUR! That amazes me.
Georgie, my female Leopard tortoise |
Hermy, my hibernating Desert tortoise |
Leo, the happy little Russian tort |
Otis, our house tort |
And now my beardies--
Baby Sawyer, with a little pudgy food belly |
Dash, my old man who is shedding |
Flame, who is also shedding |
Gen, my big girl who is sorta bruminating |
Max, my big boy who is 6 years old |
Neville, the latest addition |
Noel, who is looking sickly this morning |
Smaug, my big boy who is looking for a home as the ONLY beardie |
Tiger, who has been wheezing again :( |
Ziggy, who has pretty much trashed his tank in the last few days |
And last, but not least, Lady Squinty Dink the Dainty Skink of bluTonguesville!
Couldn't get the lighting right for a good pic |
We also have two dogs (Belle & Teddy) and a hedgehog (Pixie).