Two of them, Lil Foot & Otis, are mine part of the year (Joe & I share custody of them! ;) ). So these two I just took back early (Feb instead of May).
Here's the bigger Lil Foot. He's about 5 pounds.
Here's Otis. He's about 4 pounds.
I also have Tuga, Pancake, and Derp, all 3 sulcatas.
Tuga is about 8 pounds.
Derp (in front) & Pancake (hidden). They are both less than a pound.
Add these to my torts-- Heidi, Georgie, Lil Foot, & Rafe. My friend is fostering my two babies T-bear & Half Pint. And my two turtles-- Stinky Winky & Pudge.
My front room is my tortoise & turtle room.
The 3 bigger ones can free roam and have a mercury vapor bulb to bask under.
I need to create a warm hide for them at night. Last night I stuck the bigger Lil Foot & Otis in a box with a blanket.
I bought a bunch of veggies today and I'll figure out the warm sleeping set up tonight. Now I gotta figure out how to refer to the bigger Lil Foot and the smaller Lil Foot (both red foot tortoises).