Friday, January 15, 2016

Sparky, rescue 113

Sparky is an 8 month old iguana who is the size of a 2 month old. She was in a cage with no heat or UVB for a couple days before I unexpectedly bought her. I couldn't leave her there. 

Her cage started to fall apart when we moved it. I was afraid she'd escape into my van. 

I need to redo her cage so there are more perches and climbing branches, but I've been letting her be alone in her cage. She is crazy active and spooks easily. 

Once Verde Hissy Pants is rehomed on Monday, I'll be able to put Sparky in the extra large Reptibreeze and Midori in the large one and give them both a set up with lots of branches and perches. 

Then I'll see what I can do to help Sparky start growing to a normal size.