Tanks-- lots & lots of tanks
An empty tank in the front room |
An empty tank in my bedroom |
Tanks in my front entry way |
Tanks in my living room |
Cords! ALWAYS cords and power strips!
Shed skin
Our interesting shed collection |
Random pieces of shed skin around the house |
My roach colony in the guest bathroom |
Greens in the fridge |
Food in the tanks-- always spread all over |
Summer sunning cages sitting in a cold garage |
New tank supplies: dishes & astroturf & logs, etc |
Sunbleaching pieces of tile to put in tanks |
Sunbleaching astroturf & rocks outside |
Medical supplies in the bathroom drawer |
Critical Care in the fridge with the ketchup |
Bowls & bulbs stored in drawers in the laundry room |
Adjusting basking temps again & again & again--
Almost, but not quite |
Way too high-- move light up a bit |
Keeping track of weights --
Dead Dragons in my garage, waiting to be buried--
The latest dragon's box |
My front yard herb garden which doubles as a beardie cemetery--
10 beardies and counting |
Beardie supplies in the sink, waiting to washed in the dishwasher--
Trying to take advantage of sunny days by putting beardies in the window--
A "barrier" to use when I have more beardies than sunny windows |
Proving Hospice Care for terminally sick beardies--
Spike is happiest when he's in the sunshine |
Listening to scratching beardies who just want out of their tanks--
Toothless kept moving and made the picture blurry |
Max went from totally bruminating to spending all day trying to get out |
A box full of beardie blankies & corn bags in my front room--
POOP! Lots & lots & lots & lots & lots & lots of poop. That's what I feel like I do the most. I call myself a "Waste Management Director." :) I'll save you the pictures of this one.
Love! Lots & lots & lots & lots & lots of beardie love.
I have two beardies in my hoodie |